N H E CNational House for Engineering Consultancy

Master Plans for Municipal Infrastructure Utilities. Date of Implementation 2005


Housing and Utilities implementation Authority
Tripoli, Libya


NHEC scope of work was to develop infrastructure master plans to establish a program for the phased development of several town’s municipal utilities through the year 2025.
The scope of the work requires undertaking the following interrelated tasks, and presenting the results in a master plan for each town:
• Existing Conditions
• Identification of high priority projects
• Long –Term Strategic Plan
• Implementation Plan

Our Scope of service divided into the following four (4) stages:
Stage 1: evaluation of infrastructure existing conditions.
Stage 2: Preparation of Master Plans.
Stage 3: Preliminary Designs for Utilities.
Stage 4: Final Designs for Utilities services, namely:
• Roads network
• Potable water supply network
• Wastewater: collection; disposal system; and treatment facilities
• Storm drainage network
• Electrical Power, electrical supply, electrical network, and road lighting


National House for Engineering Consultancy





 Sidihussein - Almadeena Tower - 6th floor - Benghazi - Libya.
